Monday, September 3, 2012


The gang just came from Boracay. I will tell all about it on my next post. Meanwhile, as usual, a working mom's job to keep house and be good in a corporate world made my week quite busy as a bee. But of course, I did not allow the demands of the day take my energy away.
Dr. Bruce McEwen , author of The End of Stress As We Know it says that the most effective steps one can take are the simplest- exercise, a healthy diet, regular sleep and moderation in drinking and definitely no smoking.  Very simple things to do but only few could do all four.
There are so many ways to de-stress! I do the following and I get refreshed  everytime.

1) Get organized-I realized that it is when I remove all the clutter in my (home)office desk that I could think more clearly.
2) Take Time - Take Me Time
> top of my list is going to the parlor to have a new haircut!
Or having my nails done...

Next is having a massage!

 Or just simply enjoying a bath...

Meeting friends for a cup of coffee
 And walking on the beach
Love watching the stars at night..
 Or just take a nap...
I do any of the things above and I am ready to go- all refreshed and ready to face the day's work!

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