Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Busy.Everyone is just so preoccupied with so many tasks to accomplish for the day.There is a proliferation of planners- formal and cute, small and big, inexpensive and expensive and  collectible planners available in the bookstores and novelty shops all year through- all these to guide us on the so many tasks on hand! A book about a  bucket lists to complete before your life is over was even introduced in the bookstores. 

I wonder how Moses and our forefathers planned their days and they accomplished so much!
Anyway, since I started working my days seemed to be so full that if I needed to go to see a friend, I needed to consult my planner. If I am wanting to exercise, I needed to check on my schedule meetings for the day to see If I could afford an hour to spare to keep my body toned. If I needed to see a doctor, I had to make sure the schedule would not be so long to disrupt my other activities for the day.
Does planning make life much easier and organized? 

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