Sunday, August 19, 2012

About Men

There are so many great things I am discovering lately. I used to just check on my favorite blogs- all girly articles ranging from beauty tips to homemaking. Lately, I have been checking on blogs written by men. And I find their stories very very interesting!

One blog that I have been reading is 'The Art of Manliness.' This blog is authored by husband and wife team, Brett and Kate  Mckay. I like that the idea of the author in creating the blog came from his realization that most of the content of the men's magazines were going 'downhill' as he described it. There were more and more stories about sex and how to get six pack abs. And he thought that there was more to being a man! Mr. Brett Mckay decided to revolve his stories on manly things- the serious and the fun but with the ultimate goal to encourage readers to be better husbands , fathers, brothers, men. Love Mr. Mckay's intention .

And so I started reading his posts and there was one article that caught my attention, something funny and educational.I find the post 'Ten Worst Products For Men Ever Created ' very informative and quite amusing.

chest hair
It was a revelation to know that at some point, a chest hair toupee was invented for  middle-age men who like to wear halfway unbuttoned  Hawaiian  shirts and are lacking in chest hair. I am not sure if this innovation was introduced in the Philippines.. It got me thinking, were  these action stars  sporting true blue chest hair?

Sean Connery

Alec Baldwin
Burt Reynolds
Read the blog . There are ten worst products mentioned in the article. I just shared one! It is also nice to know and discover how men bloggers present their thoughts and discoveries! 

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